
Best of the Net Anthology (and More)

My poem "Thoracotomy in Eden" was nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology! This is the first time an editor has sent one of my pieces for consideration. It's quite a personal poem for me because I underwent the procedure prior to being diagnosed with Hodgkin's. 

The next scan to make certain I'm still in remission is on Friday, so the timing of the nomination is oddly appropriate.
Other things:

If you missed it, Thimble Literary Magazine published my poem "How We Grow Up". 

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I have a few holiday-themed posts planned this month for my Instagram (mainly cards). If you want to see them, please make sure to follow me @jenruthjackson! Plus, there's always poetry.

I know it's only October, but I'm wondering what you think of me doing another 12 Days of Christmas (Movies) this year. Did you like it last year? Is there something else you want to see? Let me know!

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