
Off to the Polls

Edited:  Wisconsin has mandatory photo ID laws in order to vote.  Between my health, busyness, limited transport, and our DMV being open less than two days a week, I've never gotten one.  So, no voting for me.  Oh well!  But, you know, requiring photo identification keeps the process fair for everyone right?  *Sarcasm
You can register to vote without an ID, I'm fricking registered!  Ugh.  *Sighs  Oh well.
I'm heading off today to take part in my country's democratic process.  I encourage those of you who can to do the same.  And no, I'm not telling you who I'm voting for.  I won't ask who you're voting for, and I won't hate you if our views don't match up.

I'm just going to be glad when this election cycle is over.  It brings out the worst in people on all sides.  See you next week, my fellow Americans.  And for those of you who aren't American, have a peachy day!


  1. I'm bummed on your behalf about the way voter ID laws affected you :-( I did get to vote, at least.

    1. Yeah, I was upset. Nothing I could do about it, though.
      Starting to think voting isn't worth the trouble... sadly.
