
Decade Enhancements (A Poem)

Decade Enhancements

Wrinkles etch
Lines carved
Sharpened scalpel of
Age doesn’t mar beauty
Grace never diminishes just
Becomes richer
Fine wine or good cheese
Old sixty is the new sixty but
Holds promises unseen
Life fully lived in
Breathless risk with no
Surrender shall never wilt or
Fade into ugly

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! I was just ranting about this very topic recently: how in so many novels an older woman cannot be described as beautiful, but always as "once beautiful" or "had been beautiful in her youth" like there's only kind of beauty in this world and it can't hold up to a few lines in a face. Thanks for this. I especially love your ending lines "Life fully lived in/Breathless risk with no/Surrender shall never wilt or/Fade into ugly."

    @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act
