
A Well-Known Secret

Most people want you to succeed!
Need proof?  Follow me on this:

Scenario 1:
An agent just rejected another manuscript that goes nowhere/does nothing/impresses no one.  This agent WANTS to represent genius. He WANTS to be hit over the head with an overwhelming urge to share your work.  If he finds no one whose books he can sell, he makes no money.  If he makes no money, he's out of a job.  He NEEDS to love your words and, therefore, make money.  It's not noble, no but he sure would much rather say "yes".  He wants you to succeed so he can, too.

Scenario 2:
A reader finds your book cover/blurbs/synopsis interesting so she purchases your book.  She's already put down money.  She HOPES it is a good book to tell her best friend about.  She WANTS her money to be well-spent.  She, like the agent, wants you to succeed.

Scenario 3:
People come to a library on a dreary Thursday night to attend your reading.  They have trusted you enough to read the book and now, again, to come listen.  You are nervous, glancing around, thinking they're just waiting for you to pass out, vomit, forget the words you wrote.  Not true.  They want this event to be worth it... for THEM.  They have to work the next day and, instead of catching more sleep, they're here.  They want you to be witty or entertaining, or at least not to throw up on them.  They want you to succeed so that you may entertain them.
Are there people who WANT to see you fail?  Yes.  There are jerks in every culture, who surround every sweet thing with their jealousy or callousness or cruelty.  But most people love other people's success because of what it can do for them.  Even an underdog story makes people believe that they, too, can fulfill their dreams; it gives them hope like nothing else.

Nearly everyone wants you to go for it, accomplish it, live it.
So go for it, I'm cheering for you.


  1. I like the picture you paint. And I believe it. If we don't try to succeed then we are doomed to fail. Nobody wants us to fail--at least not nice people.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks. I woke up from a dream with this (more or less) going through my head.

  2. I totally agree Jennifer. We have to believe in the people who want to help us, and only surround ourselves with these people who offer encouragement and support, but who aren't afraid to help us grow when we need it.
    People do love underdog stories, and rags to riches tales. It proves anyone can make it if we try.

  3. Very uplifting post! We need to surround ourselves with positive thoughts and people! Great message to share!
