
Halfway There (DIY MFA)

I am halfway through my DIY MFA and am feeling unproductive and unaccomplished.  I don't know why.  Perhaps I didn't divide my time well enough.  Possibly because I want to see some level of improvement impossible to reach after a few months.  It could be that the lack of peer review gives me a myopic view.

But, for whatever reason, I can't shake the feelings.
I'm starting a pure fiction section soon.  I'm currently reading novels (seven in over a week with more on the way).  After, I will begin with flash fiction while reading Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction. Not certain where to go beyond that; short stories are probable but nothing longer as April finds me doing another poem-a-day challenge.

 Still no movement on submitting a chapbook manuscript as I'm chicken but I am sending to magazines so... it's something.  Something, I know, that keeps me in my comfort zone.  Maybe, just maybe, that's why I feel like nothing is changing.

What are you doing to break out of your comfort zones as a writer?  What was the most terrifying thing you've done for your career?

1 comment:

  1. Launching my own book has been the most terrifying. But it feels great to really be out there and call myself an author. You know you can always make a collection of short stories or flash fiction and put them up for sale as an eBook. Novellas and short stories are doing really well out there. Something to keep in mind. :)
