April 2nd:
Fraction of Stone by Kelley Lynn
(Nook, Kindle, Physical Copy)
Rydan Gale and Akara Nazreth are the only humans with the ability to wield magic. The tattoo on their necks and the discovery of an ancient book, dictate they are the key to the world’s survival.
But the greatest obstacle for saving mankind isn’t the bizarre creatures, extreme betrayals and magic-fearing men hunting them.
that Akara doesn’t believe the world is worth saving.
April 3rd
Frosted by Wendy Sparrow
(e-book: On Kindle or Nook)

Now her work drags her to Denver, Colorado where Jack has one last chance of convincing his run-away bride to come home for good.
April 4th

(e-book: Kindle, PDF, Nook, iPad)
When a murder shakes the small town of Peninsula, all eyes are on Olivia Townsend. She may look eighteen, but the townspeople can sense there’s something darker hiding behind her pretty eyes. Olivia knows the smart thing to do is to get out of town. Suspicious neighbors can only mean trouble for a vampire.
But leaving becomes much more difficult when William, a mysterious man from her past, arrives. Finding out what brought him back is a temptation Olivia just can’t resist. William’s kindness and interest in Olivia only makes leaving harder. As she starts to fall for him, she’s forced to decide if sticking around is really worth the risk of being discovered. Of course, her mystery man has a secret of his own-and he’s not talking.
April 5th
Amazon Gift Card
Amount: $20
Delivery: e-mail only
See the Give-Away Rules: http://everythingitntales.blogspot.com/p/give-away-rules-such.html
Awesome! Very excited that Frosted is part of this giveaway. : )