
Ideas for Give-Away

I know this falls away from normal schedule but I wanted to ask you guys what you want in a give-away. This is for you guys, after all! What is it you want? It needs to be something feasible, a hot guy or a new car is a bit out of my reach. lol

What don't you like in a give-away?

I don't know if I am using this to acquire new followers, I may just keep it open to those of you who are already following my blog. I cherish each one of you, seriously!

Let me know! It starts on my blog anniversary.


  1. Your friendship is the only gift I need from you, dear friend, and I already have it.
    But, what about one of your poems on parchment or something?
    Or guest poets?

  2. I love give aways! DM has some pretty good ideas. You could always give away a book or something.

  3. I thought about a book but some people don't want to give out their address to internet strangers (me in this instance).

    Perhaps a book to someone and an amazon gift certificate to someone else...
    We'll see. Keep the suggestions coming!

    What do you guys think about keeping it to you just you guys?
